Touristic guidebook - Welcome to Smolensk region
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Towns of Smolensk region


Kardimovo is mentioned for the first time in the list of populated areas in 1859. Through the territory of the Kardimovo district there pass the Smolensk Old road and the famous Solovjeva crossing-place famous since 1812. It is the place of battles of Russian and Napoleon’s armies. It is also the place of battles in 1941–1943 during the Great Patriotic war. Here there are memorial complexs: the memorial mark on the place of the Solovjeva crossing-place, the memorial to the jet installation «Katusha», the fraternal tomb to Soviet warriors and the Temple of the Virgin Lady «Vziskanie Pogibshikh».

People remember the battle of Russian troops against the French army in the Village Lubino in 1812. Many people died in this battle.

There remained the Temple of the St. Profit Ilja in the Village Shestokovo (1855). In the Village Smogiri there still exists the Church of Nikolaj Gergievskij (1894). There is the Church of Nikolaj Chudotvorez built by the imperial family in 1816..

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The monument to «Katusha», the settlement Solovjevo


The Church of St. Nikolaj Chudotvorez, XIX century
The Church of St. Nikolaj Chudotvorez, XIX century

The fraternal tomb to the Soviet warriors near the Solovjeva crossing-plac
The fraternal tomb to the Soviet warriors near the Solovjeva crossing-plac

The Nikolo-Georgievskaja Church, XIX century, the Village Smogiri
The Nikolo-Georgievskaja Church, XIX century, the Village Smogiri


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